Are you looking for a local, reliable, fast, secure, managed hosting company.

Friendlyhost is just that!

What is managed hosting compared to standard hosting?

Most organisations and individuals have no idea about what's required in hosting your site and keep it running. Hosting is not just about set and forget, it requires maintenance over time to keep it secure, fast and reliable.

WordPress, Joomla and Drupal sites all need to be kept updated to fix vulnerabilities in plugins, modules and the core CMS. This can be a daunting task for non developers.

Our managed hosting means we keep on top of those critical security updates for you. We also constantly monitor the sites we host to ensure that the file structure is secure and the site is running as it should be.


We look after your site and you!

We don't try and sell you on what special features you get with or without your hosting plan, like how much traffic you're allocated or how many databases you're allowed to create or does it allow daily backups.

We just care about looking after our customer's websites and ensuring that everything is taken care of to keep it running, so you don't have to worry or try to understand it - that's not your core business, that's ours!


It's easy, we just take care of it!

We setup a hosting environment and help you migrate your site over to us, we help with the domain details and try and remove all the techie stuff - we just make it easy!

What we offer is a fast, reliable, secure and friendly hosting service. You get the security of knowing that your site is backed up, it's scanned for known viruses, and it blocks intruders based on known vulnerabilities.


We live and Work in NZ!

We all live in NZ and love our beautiful country!

Our client base consists of companies, not for profits and individuals from around New Zealand, we love to support local businesses and individuals, so get in touch and see how we can help you.

We care about helping our clients save money and making sure that they're getting real value out of the services they pay for. If needed, we can also help to simplify all of the services you currently have - as that can be daunting if your unsure what they all are.

So what does it cost..

We offer three standard pricing plans, or we can customise a plan to suit your needs as they change.

All monthly fees shown are charged quarterly and are GST exclusive.



  • For individual sites and not-for-profits
  • Lower traffic and disk space
  • Managed security updates
  • Daily backups on and off site
  • Intruder detection, firewall and known virus scanning


  • For small organisations or sites that get more traffic
  • Medium traffic and disk space
  • Managed security updates
  • Daily backups on and off site
  • Intruder detection, firewall and known virus scanning


  • For larger traffic sites that need more customisation
  • Larger traffic and disk space
  • Managed security updates
  • Daily backups on and off site
  • Intruder detection, firewall and known virus scanning

All fees shown above are per month, charged quarterly and are GST exclusive.

Some of the partners we work with...

Get in touch

If you want to know more or have any questions, then just get in touch.

We are here to help, we want to help and we do it really well!

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