Frequently Asked Questions

Simple questions and answers on why Friendlyhost is the better option for hosting your website.



How do i move my current web hosting to Friendlyhost?

After getting in contact, we would work with you to gather the required information to allow us to help you migrate your current website.

This could be as simple as giving us access to your current sites administration or control panel.

We would also assist in updating your current domain name and managing the DNS records to point at your new hosting environment.

So overall we would do all the hard work for you, we want to keep this as simple as possible for you!



Can you help me update my website?

Yes, we are all experienced web developers and can assist in making site updates as required.

This could be as simple as giving us access to your current sites administration or control panel.

After moving to Friendlyhost you're not only getting the benefit of managed hosting, but also access to an experienced team who can support and help you grow your online business over time.



Do you offer email accounts?

Yes, each web hosting account can come with email, we would discuss this further with you.

Most smaller businesses only require a basic email package, for those who need a more robust email, calendar and file storage service, we can also assist in setting up Office 365 or Google Apps.



Will my website go offline when moving to Friendlyhost?

In almost all cases this process can happen without any downtime at all.

Once your website has been setup we simply point your domain at the new server.



Is my website backed up at Friendlyhost?

Yes, we do daily backups as well as storing a secure copy of your site, off-site.

We also store the daily backups for 14 days.

This ensures that if your site has any issues with plugins, modules or themes, we can simply restore to a previous backup.



Is my website monitored?

Yes, we monitor the site 24/7.

If for any reason your site does go offline, we will know about it before you do and would actively be locating the reason and resolving as quickly as possible.

Our servers currently have a 99.8% uptime.

We do regular maintenance and updates which can cause a site to go offline for a few seconds or minutes, while this is happening. This is scheduled to occur overnight to avoid any potential disruptions during the day.



What type of websites do you host?

We can host most sites but specialise in hosting WordPress, Drupal, Joomla and static sites.

If you're not sure what your website is using then just contact us, we can then investigate and let you know if we would be able to host your site.

All of our hosting uses Linux servers, we do not currently support ASP.Net or plan to in the future.

If your currently hosted at Wix or Squarespace, then we do offer a conversion process to a static site, WordPress or Drupal if required.



Do you offer SSL certificates?

Yes, each web hosting account allows for a free SSL certificate to enable https.

It is important that your site is hosted under https rather than http to avoid browser warnings stating that your site is insecure as well as ensuring your sites traffic is encrypted and secure.

We will set up "Lets' Encrypt" secure cert when your site goes live.

We also help to ensure that your site runs correctly under https, this may require some tweaks to your sites content as well as theme.



I don't have a domain name, can you register one for me?

Yes, we can purchase and manage a new domain name for you.

It can be complex or daunting to purchase and manage your own domain and DNS records.

We can take that all of your hands and manage your domain, and add records, so there is no need to worry. Or just assist you in managing yourself.

We commonly see websites going offline due to no one knowing where there domain is managed or due to not paying for the domain each year.

We can purchase, setup and manage all of your domain name records so you don't have to worry about the technical aspects.



Can you setup a WordPress, Drupal or Joomla site for me?

Yes, we can setup a web hosting account for you and install the CMS of your choice.

We can also set up a theme and tools so you can build the site yourself.

This can be a great choice if you want to keep web development costs to a minimum, there are plenty of resources online about building sites.

And as usual we would be happy to help out if you get stuck - or to point you in the right direction.



Do you offer a hosting panel?

We now use containers in the Cloud, we can allow certain access to admin tools, ssh and sftp

Talk to us if you have specific requirements, we would be able to assit.

We enable ssh connections for your hosting account to allow the more experienced users to access logs and files via a console.



Do hosting accounts support Git?

Yes, your hosting panel does support Git.

If your wanting to manage your code changes then Git is the perfect way to do this.

You simply set your remote git repository (after adding your key to the likes of Git hub) or define a local repository and set the sites URL

Get in touch

If you want to know more or have any questions, then just get in touch.

We are here to help, we want to help and we do it really well!

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